Thursday, November 13, 2008


Fear can do more damage than financial crisis. Kamloops is going to be hit by waves of the financial storm but we are in a good place to face it. We have experienced healthy growth. Our employment market, housing sales and construction have done well. Tourism has seen growth. We have a well maintained city with good infrastructure.
Nevertheless this is a time to control spending, pursue absolute needs but postpone wants. With five teenagers we often have to determine between needing and wanting an expensive new toy. It is a time to limit tax increases to the necessities.
At the same time we must actively pursue new industry, small business and investment.
We have the vehicles in place. Venture Kamloops is an organization with the skilled staff to attract business. We need to provide them with the resources to lobby for funding. We need to work with Thompson Rivers University. They are promoting our city around the world. We need to introduce people to Kamloops through tourism and the Tournament Capital program.
That is often our biggest challenge, introducing people to the quality of life in this city. But once they are exposed to it, Kamloops sells itself.

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